1USD = 87.99 RUB
1USD = 0.000014667488 BTC
1USD = 0.000304803706 ETH
1USD = 0.859549596012 EUR
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Integration with exchange: purchasing cryptocurrency for a client, bitex codes. exchange has been integrated. There is no need to keep reserves in cryptocurrency anymore!

This exchange allows to automatically purchase cryptocurrencies for USD at the request of the client and then transfer them to the client’s address. What you need to do for this:

  1. Sign up for the exchange.
  2. Download the Bitexbook module from the personal account on our website and upload it to your website.
  3. Customize the Bitexbook module using our user manual.
  4. Refill the account on the exchange in USD for trading operations for the cryptocurrency purchase.
  5. Exchange fees can be found below:

– Purchase transactions
– Withdrawal transactions

Bitex codes can be accepted for payment and payouts now – this is a fee-free USD refill/withdrawal (it will be expanded to cryptocurrencies in the future). Besides, Bitexbook exchange will add all exchanges that accept Bitex codes to a special section for advertising among its clients.
