1USD = 87.99 RUB
1USD = 0.000014667488 BTC
1USD = 0.000304803706 ETH
1USD = 0.859549596012 EUR
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Dear users! We are glad to inform you that a new version of the exchanger Premium Exchanger 2.6 has been released. You can see the list of changer and how to updаte in the “Updates” section. All new features are shown in the demo-version of the…

Dear users! From 03.06.2024 changes come into the product and service agreement.


Dear users! From 04.12.2023 changes come into the product and service agreement.


Dear users! We are glad to inform you that a new version of the exchanger Premium Exchanger 2.5 has been released. You can see the list of changer and how to updаte in the “Updates” section. All new features are shown in the demo-version of the product.

Dear users! From 13.02.2023 changes come into the product and service agreement, the user agreement due to the change in the jurisdiction in which the Premium Exchanger project operates. Changes to the agreements apply to both old users and new ones.
