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E-currency Auto Exchanger sсript Premium Exchanger

Version: 2.7

Update date: 03.12.2024

How to order?
payment immediately or in installments for 6 months
8990 $
Rent per month
299 $

Performance of the Currency Exchange sсript

  • Automatic exchange without an operator or an operator confirmation. Switchable mode
  • Semi-automatic exchange with an operator. Exchange procedure: exchange request → online payment through the payment systеm site using merchant payment provider→ payment verification by the operator of the exchanger → manual transfer to the client;
  • Manual exchange with an operator. Exchange procedure: exchange request → manual transfer of the client funds to specified invoice details→ payment verification by the operator of the exchanger → manual transfer to the client;

Merchants and Modules of Autopayment

  • Autopayment modules within or without an operator or an operator confirmation: Webmoney, Perfect Money, Payeer, Volet (Advcash), Binance, Coinpaymets, Nixmoney, PayKassa, Westwallet, Garantex, Odysseq, Epaycore, Bitconce, Cryptomus, FireKassa, Exnode Pay, Yobit, OTC, Merchant001,, AlfaBit Pay Xpay, IvanPay, LuckyPay, Utopia, Goldex;
  •   Merchants Merchant is a mechanism that redirects the client to the payment site to make payment after creating the request on the exchanger site. Then the merchant returns the customer back to the exchanger site. In other words the merchant is an automated method of receiving payments from customers. available: WebMoney, Perfect Money, Coinpaymets, Coinbase, PayPal, Payeer, NixMoney, Volet (Advcash), PayKassa, Westwallet, Garantex, Odysseq, Epaycore, MoneyGo, Bitconce, Cryptomus, MoneyGo, FireKassa, Rapira, Exnode Pay, Yobit, PayLama, Payscrow, Merchant001,, AlfaBit Pay, Xpay, IvanPay, SuperMoney, LuckyPay, Diffpay, Utopia, Paymatrix, Archex, Bitbanker;
  • Available modules for automatic cryptocurrency purchase The module automatically buys the required amount of cryptocurrency on the stock exchange and then payouts it to the user conducting the exchange on your website. for the user requests: Binance, Garantex, Yobit;
  • Adding an unlimited number of payment systems, banks, money transfer systems and currencies through the control panel for manual exchange.

Сurrency Exchange sсript Main Functions

  • CMS WordPress 6.x (free-of-charge distribution);
  • Telegram bot with exchange function;
  • AML check: Amlbot, Getblock, BitOK, CoinKYT;
  • Verification of users and their bank details through uploading images;
  • Adaptive version of the website;
  • Multi language of the user and the administration interface. Default support of English and Russian. Other languages can be added on one’s own. You can display the direction of exchanges for the selected language only;
  • RTL support;
  • Unlimited number of user groups with individual privileges settings;
  • Internal user account with the possibility to replenish and withdraw funds from the account via making exchange;
  • Exchange rate XML file supports such commissions parameters as minfee, fromfee, tofee, city, param, minamount;
  • Work in the control panel with the requests and exchange areas without page refreshing;
  • rates parser;
  • Exchange rate parsing from: Binance, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Okcoin, Zb, Blockchain, Coinmarketcap, BitexBook, Exmo, Bitstamp, Garantex, CB RF, ECB, NBU, NLRK, NBRB, (USD, EUR, RUB, CNY, UAH, BYN, KZT, BTC, LTC, ETH, DSH and other);
  • Auto correcting of the exchange rate with reference to the CB or your own rate;
  • Setting the rate (depending on the amount of exchange, from the reserve), the minimum and the maximun amount of the payment systеm commission to each direction of an exchange;
  • Linking the exchange rate on the site to the exchange rate of another exchanger;
  • Exchange rate and reserve currency parser from file;
  • Automatic updаte of currency reserves based on the performed operations;
  • Adding new types of currency (for example, USD, EUR, RUB etc. );
  • Adding additional fields to the exchange form;
  • Setting the number of decimal place for each currency;
  • Daily and monthly limits for currency accounts;
  • Note designer for merchants;
  • Exchange order card. Order editor;
  • Filtering of the requests by specific payment systems or payment systеm groups while dealing with requests;
  • Logging of merchants, errors of automatic payouts, changes in exchange rates;
  • Checking of the digital wallet type;
  • Prohibition of an exchange by IP address or country;
  • SEO settings of the exchanges destinations;
  • Import/export of the exchange rate and direction. Exporting of exchanges to csv file;
  • Telegram, Email and SMS notification to users and the administrator about changing the status of a request for the exchange;
  • Email and SMS confirmation of the exchange order creation;
  • Extended information about the user performing an exchange: IP, Country;
  • User’s personal account;
  • Automatic user registration while performing the exchange;
  • Cumulative discount systеm for loyal customer, personal discount;
  • Multilevel affiliate program, individual partnership interest;
  • Affiliate program payment in any currency;
  • Auto – substitution of user’s bank details while filing a request;
  • Customer Blacklists;
  • Publication of reviews;
  • User reserve request;
  • SMS gates and You can connect alternative gates;
  • Checking of Webmoney exchanges via X19 interface;
  • Checking of Perfect Money account verification before an exchange;
  • Extended Financial Statistics for all types of currencies;
  • Sitemap and tariff systеm. XML sitemap of all the pages and areas of exchanges ;
  • Widget for exchange rates;
  • Navigation menu adjustment, adding new pages and news;
  • And much more.

The sсript comes with a standard design presented on the screen-shots below.

Four color schemes:

  • Light;
  • Dark.

Three ways of currency selection:

  • Table with 2 columns;
  • Table with 3 columns;
  • List.

Two ways for creating the form to bids:

  • Under the choice of currencies with no page refreshing;
  • On the new page.
We can create a unique design for your demands. Terms and costs are specified after agreeing the technical enquiry for the design . The cost of design and work stats from USD 1990: design, coding, support.

Dashboard has all the necessary functions for an operator comfortable and convenient work. The number of functions is so great that it makes no sense to list them.

Access to the control panel of the demo version:

Several screen-shots of the dashboard

Premium Exchanger can be used in accordance with the following schemes:

1. Rent (monthly payments)

Minimum rental period of the product for 1 domain is 3 months. Further prorogation of a lease starts from 1 month.

Monthly fee is charged for the rental of the product and its size depends on the required number of licenses (domains):

  • license for 1 domain name – 299 USD;
  • merchants and modules are available to download for free;
  • free advices on working with a sсript.

Discount providing for prepayments for several months:

  • If you pay for 4 months or more, the discount is 5 % from the total sum;
  • If you pay for 8 months or more, the discount is 10 % from the total sum;
  • If you pay for 12 months or more, the discount is 15 % from the total sum.

Important notice!

  • Monthly fee is not returned. In particular, for prepaid months of product rent. Refund is possible only where there were no downloading of license and sсript in your back-office.
  • Technical support is free for the entire term of the rent. Technical support includes answers to the questions about working with the product.
  • The license is bound to one domain name. In addition to the base license you get a free one for the one technical domain.
  • The sсript work is blocked. If the fee is paid for one month, the license will only be valid for this month. If there is no payment after an expiration of the paid term of license subscription, the work of the site is blocked.
  • The domain name can be changed. You can change domain name one day before the end of the paid term end and paid next month of license usage.
  • There are encrypted files. Those files, without any malware, contain some features of the product, therefore their code can not be edited. File encryption is mandatory and necessary for the licensing of the product. The sсript is not available without encrypted files.

2. Purchase (one-time payment)

The sсript costs 11000 USD 8990 USD with a license for one domain.

The license cost for the second and subsequent additional domain names is 8990 USD 7641 USD per each.

Important notice!

  • Monthly fee is not charged. Additional modules and merchants are free.
  • Technical support is free for 12 months from the date of payment. After 12 months, the cost of support is USD 10 per 1 ticket or USD 99 per month / USD 990 per year without limitations. Technical support includes answers to the questions about working with the product.
  • The license is bound to one domain name. In addition to the base license you get a free one for the technical domain;
  • Changing the domain name for the license is impossible.
  • The license has no expiry date.
  • There are encrypted files. Those files, without any malware, contain some features of the product, therefore their code can not be edited. File encryption is mandatory and necessary for the licensing of the product. The sсript is not available without encrypted files.

3. Installment purchase

The sсript costs 11000 USD 8990 USD with a license for one domain.

The license cost for the second and subsequent additional domain names is 8990 USD 7641 USD per each.

Terms of installment purchase for the product:

  • The installment purchase duration is up to 6 months.
  • You determine the comfortable size of installment payments yourself.
  • Installments are paid through your shopping cart on the website, as the rent of the product. Be sure to contact us after the first payment to document the start date of the installment plan.
  • During the installment period, the license will have the status “Rented”. After paying the full installment amount, the license status will be changed to “Purchased”.
  • If during the installment purchase process it becomes obvious that the period of 6 months is not enough to pay off the entire amount, you will have to coordinate in advance extension of the terms and further conditions.
  • The paid amounts are not refundable.
  • You cannot change the domain name for the license during the installment purchase or after it.

Important notice!

  • Monthly fee is not charged. Additional modules and merchants are free.
  • Technical support is free for 12 months from the date of payment. After 12 months, the cost of support is USD 10 per 1 ticket or USD 99 per month / USD 990 per year without limitations. Technical support includes answers to the questions about working with the product.
  • The license is bound to one domain name. In addition to the base license you get a free one for the technical domain;
  • Changing the domain name for the license is impossible;
  • The license has no expiry date;
  • There are encrypted files. Those files, without any malware, contain some features of the product, therefore their code can not be edited. File encryption is mandatory and necessary for the licensing of the product. The sсript is not available without encrypted files.

In developing the software for an exchange, we worked thoroughly over the necessary measures to protect it from intruders:

  • Hidden address chosen in the dashboard;
  • Two Factor Authentication in the dashboard;
  • Defence against XSS and CSFR attack;
  • Protection against SQL-injection;
  • Protection against spoofing client details and exchange office.

We guarantee the correct performing of the product and the absence of any malware. Our experience in the field of exchange is trusted by major projects with standby funds of more than 1 000 000 USD.

Requirements to the Server of an exchange office:

  • PHP 8.1, 8.2;
  • MySQL 8.0 or higher;
  • ionCube Loader 13 or higher;
  • Job Scheduler (cron);
  • Required PHP functions, extensions, and libraries: iconv, mb, curl, gd, , mcrypt, soap, zip, gmpobject, strlen, sprintf, ip2long, serialize, unserialize, crypt, parse_str, json_encode, strtr, strstr, round, parse_url, simplexml_load_string, array_search.

We recommend to place the exchanger on Linux VPS virtual. Minimum amount of RAM on VPS server is 2Gb. Recommended amount of RAM on VPS server is 4Gb. We recommend to use ISP Manager Lite as a dashboard and operating systеm is Ubuntu 22.x.

Why renting a sсript when I can buy it?
In fact, it is cheaper to buy once than to pay rent every month. However the sum of money to be paid is quite large.
Is the sсript hosted on my server if I rent it?
The rented sсript is hosted on your server.
Do you refund money?
If you bought the sсript, money are non-refundable. If you prepaid several months of sсript usage but decided not to use it, money is not to be returned due to the lack of technical possibilities to prevent the downloaded license usage. Refund is possible only where there were no downloading of license or sсript in your back-office. While performing the refund the payment systеm takes its own fee.
What will happen with a website if I delay a payment of rent?
A website will stop working, but after a renewal of a license, it will work again.
Do you offer free updates?
All updates are free and available to download in back office.
May I change domain name in the license?
If you bought a sсript, changing of domain name is impossible. If you rent a sсript, you can change domain name to a new one day before the end of the paid term. The work of the sсript on the old site will be stopped.
Can I customize the sсript work before placing it on the primary domain?
We provide a free license for a technical domain for each basic license. It allows you to customize the sсript in accordance with your demands before applying it to the master domain. In general, technical domain is a second or third level one.
Can I change the design myself?
The source code of the design is totally open therefore you can change it at discretion.
Do I have to buy additional modules and merchants?
All merchants and modules are available for free.
Can I improve the sсript without assistance?
The sсript contains a few coded systеm files. Thus, if the modification is related to the code changing in those files, it is impossible.
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