1USD = 87.87 RUB
1USD = 0.000014693134 BTC
1USD = 0.000306353777 ETH
1USD = 0.859549596012 EUR
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How to buy a sсript?

You can ask any question concerning buying a sсript in our online chat or using Contacts section. A step by step guide for purchasing a sсript:

1. Register or log in if you have already registered.

2. Press «Buy» button on the sсript page.

3. Choose the appropriate license type:

  • Payment with no monthly fee: a free license for 1 domain with no aspirational date; pay once for everything; all modules and merchants are free.
  • Payment with monthly fee: license for 1 domain with monthly fee; minimum term of rent is 3 months; discount if several month are paid in advance; all modules and merchants are free.

4. Set the list of additional services. In case you need hosting or domain registration hosting, fill in the personal data of the owner. Data will not be transferred to third parties and will be used for hosting / domain registration at a hosting provider. Registration is impossible without the data.

If you have chosen the domain registration, you need to specify the domain name. You can leave this field empty in case you have no requests. We will help you to get a free domain.

5. Press «Go to payment» button and choose the most convenient method of payment:

  • Perfect Money USD
  • Advanced Cash USD
  • Payeer USD
  • YooMoney RUB
  • Visa, MasterCard, Maestro credit card

Follow the recommendations of the selected payment system.

6. The section «Your scripts» has the paid products that you can download. If you have ordered installation services for server, server or domain registration, the manager will contact you to agree on details of the order in the nearest time.